What is Deadpan Magazine?

Deadpan Magazine is an attempt to bring together contemporary and emerging photographers, who share both aesthetic and conceptual affinities.
The core (<- more info) of the magazine lies on how the world is presented to the individual as an object, as something external to him/her, but reciprocally dependent. Thus, the magazine tries to explore the consequences of this interaction: the interplay between documentary photography and the perception of reality.

What kind of audience is the magazine aimed at?

The magazine is aimed at photographers, documentarians and, in general, people who appreciate a sincere representation of reality through photography; noting the triviality, banality and frivolity of everyday life, as well as its most profound aspects.

Why would I want to submit my work?

By submitting your work, you’re becoming part of a small but growing community of like-minded photographers (assuming you’re on board with what we’re trying to explore here).
Submitting your work offers you a chance to discover and connect with new photographers who share some of your ideas. Whether it’s featured in the final issue of the year or in the digital gallery on Instagram, your work will find its place among others who see the world in a similar light.

Are there any submission guidelines I should follow?

Please read the authors' guidelines here or in the right column of the website.