
The act of taking a photograph transcends mere documentation. It is now conceived as a form of noting reality, it becomes a second perception (being the first given by our senses). Photography gives our consciousness the sensorial data for it to, once again, constitute reality, and, in some way or another, define it. This is to appreciate it and study it.

The logo is composed of three frames that represent reality within the limits of human perception (yes, three is just a completely capricious and arbitrary decision). In the center of the frames is a circle that interrupts the uniformity of the grid; it freezes that reality and documents it through the photographic lens. The grid within the frame represents the structures presented to the subject and constituted by consciousness (and here, photography is an extension of perception), creating reality as we know it.

Deadpan Magazine was created by Antonio Martín Villaseñor (Mexican philosophy student, passionate about cinematography, documentation and photography) in a search driven by an interest in human life, and an attempt to understand reality through what is understood as everyday.
